Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friends and Family

From left to right: Christine, E-dubb, Steph, Callie, and Me I have the best friends anyone could ask for! This was one of my last weekend nights in Fayetteville and Callie planned for all of us to go to dinner...without my knowledge. Everyone was cancelling on me and I thought I had no friends haha but they where all there in the end! These girls have become my family over the past year and a half. Some of us have been friends for years...some of us where instant friends and now we find it hard to live without =) Your friends can never be replaced and these girls are the staples in my life and always will be no matter how far away I am...but with that said for the time being these ladies have been replaced by seven little boys to be exact(the top picture)...there are only five in the picture but you get the idea. Its so fun to get to spend time with this part of my family because since I was young we have been coming to Cali every year sometimes twice a year to see family but you only get to stay for a week or two at a time! So, I am getting the chance to do things like play basketball and football in the back yard, and go to Magic Mountain and Disney all the good stuff in life haha so your friends are your family and your family are def your friends and they keep your days bright whether its by pictures and memories or a four year old singing your best friends favorite song at the dinner table! Have a blessed day!

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