Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh how things change...

Here lately I have been really thinking about how fast my college or even high school for that matter has gone! It seems like it has all passed by so fast! Sometimes I think about things I could have or should have done diffrent, but then I have to remind myself that I did those thing because thats what I wanted to do at the time! I just really miss those days when you are sitting at the table with your 3 best friends playing mexican train dominos and making dinner. We had such great times but I am haveing to realize that just because that time has come and gone doesnt mean that good times and memories arent ahead! I have learned to live everyday like it was your last and always do the things that make you happy and things that interest you and you will remain happy =) This is a piture of all of us girls that lived at Whitham street! What great memories! Love you girls

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